This page offers pointers to information about public (governmental) funding addressing climate, health, and equity.
Foundations and donors may find this information useful for understanding public funding flows; identifying opportunities for philanthropic action, such as supporting community engagement, capacity-building, or advocacy; and/or for identifying governmental counterparts for public-private funder dialogues.
Practitioners may find this information helpful for understanding public funding flows; identifying opportunities for community engagement or advocacy; and/or identifying funding opportunities relevant to your organization, issue area, or community.
This page is organized into four sections:
- Information on Current Public Funding Opportunities including the Justice40 Initiative and newly-legislated federal funding
- Hubs of Collaboration for / with Government Funders (organizations supporting interaction among US city, county, state, federal, tribal government, and/or other funders)
- US Federal Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity (alphabetized list by US federal agency or office)
- US City, County, and State Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity (alphabetical list by US State)
This is not a comprehensive list; contact organizations listed for more. Help us improve this resource by suggesting additions or corrections.
1. Information on Current Public Funding Opportunities
This section highlights resources about new & current public funding related to climate, health, and equity, as well as technical assistance in navigating public funding opportunities.
Information on Justice40 Initiative
Federal Government Resources related to Justice40:
The Justice 40 Initiative was established by Executive Order 14008 "with the goal of delivering 40 percent of the overall benefits of climate, clean energy, affordable and sustainable housing, clean water, and other federal investments to disadvantaged communities and tracks performance toward that goal through the establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard." For more information, see the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) information in section 2 below and:
- The US Environmental Protection Agency's Justice40 at EPA page
- The White House Environmental Justice page, with links to information on the Justice40 Initiative, White House Interagency Environmental Justice Council, and White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council
- May 2022 Biden-Harris Administration Report to Congress on Progress on Environmental Justice
- The Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool, currently in beta form, being developed to help Federal agencies implementing Justice40 to identify disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution.
Nonprofit Resources Related to Justice40:
- Justice 40 Funding Finder, a tool to help communities learn about various federal funding programs associated with Justice40 and their application periods. Hosted by the Equitable & Just National Climate platform, developed by the Center for American Progress.
- "Making Justice40 a Reality for Frontline Communities: Lessons From State Approaches to Climate and Clean Energy Investments, UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation (2021)
- The Fact Sheets, Accountability Framework, and other resources
- Justice 40 Accelerator shares information, resources, and capacity with frontline community organizations to formulate projects and apply for funding opportunities presented by the Justice40 Initiative. Site includes Featured Funding Opportunities page.
- "On Anniversary of Historic Climate Executive Order, Environmental Justice Coalition Calls for More Action on Justice40, Cutting Legacy Pollution and Enacting Build Back Better Agenda," Equitable & Just National Climate Platform statement (Jan 2022)
- The People's Justice40+ Community Benefit Playbook: A Guide to Capturing Federal Infrastructure Investments 2022, Emerald Cities Collaborative (2022)
Information on Relevant Funding through the Inflation Reduction Act
Federal Government Resources related to the IRA
- The Inflation Reduction Act: A Big Deal for People and the Planet, Michael Regan, EPA Perspectives (August 2022) and Inflation Reduction Act Overview: Climate and Clean Air-related Provisions, US EPA PowerPoint
Nonprofit Resources Related to the IRA
- How states and cities can benefit from climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act, C40 Knowledge Hub policy brief (August 2022)
-, Earthjustice Brief (August 2022)
Information on Federal Infrastructure Funding
This section offers pointers to information about federal infrastructure funding via the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is related to climate, health, and equity. See also Section 3 with more information on federal agencies distributing infrastructure funding, including Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, and Interior, and US Environmental Protection Agency.
Federal Government Resources on Infrastructure Funding:
- Building a Better America: A Guidebook to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments, and Other Partners, (2022)
- US Environmental Protection Agency: EPA’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds, Funding for Water Infrastructure and Lead Service Line Replacement, Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan, Environmental Cleanup Funding: Superfund and Brownfields programs, Clean School Bus Program Funding
- White House Releases Technical Assistance Guide to Help Communities Unlock Resources From Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (May 2018 White House announcement)
Nonprofit Resources on Infrastructure Funding:
- Brookings Federal Infrastructure Hub, Brookings Metro resource page to help practitioners, policymakers, and journalists better understand what the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) includes, how it works, and how specific programs can benefit particular places.
- Communities First Infrastructure Alliance and partners' resources for building just, equitable, and more resilient communities using Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) funds.
- Demystifying Federal Funding Webinar Series. SPARCC (Strong, Prosperous, and Resilient Communities Challenge) webinars and background resources related to transportation and other infrastructure-related spending.
- Ensuring Racial Equity in Infrastructure Spending, YouTube recording of a March 2022 philanthropic and federal partnership briefing co-hosted by The Communities First Fund, The Funders Network, Environmental Grantmakers Association and Neighborhood Funders Group. Here are related notes on Challenges and Solutions.
- Equitable Infrastructure Implementation Principles and other Equitable Infrastructure Initiative resources, US Water Alliance (2022)
- Legislative Analysis for Counties: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, National Association of Counties.
- Opportunities for Health Professionals to Advance Climate, Health and Equity through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021, Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health (2022)\
- Rural Capacity Map identifying communities where investment in staffing and expertise are needed to support infrastructure and climate resilience projects, Headwaters Economics (2022)
- The American Rescue Plan Act: Centering Equity and Impacted Communities, Communities First & Full Spectrum Labs
- The People's Justice40+ Community Benefit Playbook: A Guide to Capturing Federal Infrastructure Investments 2022, Emerald Cities Collaborative (2022)
Technical Assistance on Accessing Public Funding
- Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides grant funding for centers that can support communities with environmental justice concerns with training, assistance, and capacity-building related to federal grant funding.
- Environmental Protection Network (EPN) Pro Bono Technical Assistance Program recruits former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) staff to serve as volunteers to help community organizations navigate government regulations, data, policies, or grant applications.
- Justice 40 Accelerator shares information, resources, and capacity with frontline community organizations to formulate projects and apply for funding opportunities presented by the Justice40 Initiative.
- A Thriving Communities Program of the US Department of Transportation is being established to provide technical assistance and capacity building to help communities access federal funding and make transportation improvements.
2. Hubs of Collaboration for/with Government Funders
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Climate and Health resources for climate change adaptation, readiness, and impacts work at state and territorial health agencies
Climate-Ready Territories funds territorial health agencies to prepare for and respond to climate health effects.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Tribal Resilience Program funding supports tribes, tribal consortia, and authorized tribal organizations to build adaptation and resilience.
Federal Health Systems Learning Network
- Learning network for federal health systems (VA, IHS, DoD) to support implementation of Executive Order 14057 on greenhouse gas emissions. Coordinated by Office of Climate Change and Health Equity, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO)
Global Climate Change Workgroup provides leadership and resources to support local health department climate change efforts.
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
NCEL state exchanges on climate and energy, environmental health, environmental justice
The Funders Network
Partners for Places matching grant program supporting partnerships between local US and Canadian city and county government sustainability offices and place-based foundations, focused on enhancing local capacity to build equitable and sustainable communities. Supported by TFN in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network.
Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project
Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN):
USDN Manages funds including the USDN Innovation Fund, USDN Peer Learning Exchange Fund, Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Funds, and Partners for Places Fund.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Climate Hubs
US Global Change program
White House Council on Environmental Quality
- Coordination of federal government efforts to improve, preserve, and protect America's public health and environment
- White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council established to advise the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the newly established White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council (IAC) to increase the Federal Government’s efforts to address environmental injustice.
- Manages Justice 40 Initiative established by Executive Order 14008 "with the goal of delivering 40 percent of the overall benefits of relevant federal investments to disadvantaged communities and tracks performance toward that goal through the establishment of an Environmental Justice Scorecard." See also Justice40 information in section 1 above.
3. US Federal Government Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity
See also:
- Climate Change Funding and Management report, U.S. Government Accountability Office
Federal agencies and programs below are listed alphabetically by agency.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative (CRSCI) funds state and city health departments to prepare for and respond to health effects of climate change.
Center for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support manages funding for tribes’ and territories’ climate and health work including the National Indian Health Board’s Climate-Ready Tribes Program and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials’ Climate-Ready Territories funding of territorial health agencies.
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Financial Assistance Programs for eligible landowners and agricultural producers to help manage natural resources in a sustainable manner and deliver benefits such as improved water and air quality.
Rural Energy for America Program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements
Department of Energy
- DOE funding and financing overview
- Communities LEAP (Local Energy Action Program) Pilots aims to facilitate sustained community-wide economic and environmental benefits primarily through DOE’s clean energy deployment work. Twenty-two communities were selected for pilot funding in 2022.
- Office of Economic Impact and Diversity: How is DOE Implementing Justice40? and Energy Justice Dashboard
Department of Health and Human Services
- Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) addresses the impact of climate change on the health of the American people. Helps coordinate climate & health action within HHS, federal health systems, and with other federal departments and the private sector. Priorities include climate & health resilience for the most vulnerable; climate actions to reduce health disparities; health sector resilience & decarbonization.
- HHS Office of Environmental Justice, established in 2022
- Health Sector Commitments to Emissions Reductions and Resilience and Webinar Series: Accelerating Healthcare Sector Action on Climate Change and Health Equity
- 2021 Climate Action Plan, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Lead Hazard Reduction and Healthy Homes Grants assist states, local communities, tribes and territories in identifying and controlling lead-based paint hazards
Department of Homeland Security
- Flood Mitigation Assistance Program provides funding to states, local communities, tribes and territories for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings,
Department of Transportation
- A Thriving Communities Program of the US Department of Transportation is being established to provide technical assistance and capacity building to help communities access federal funding and make transportation improvements.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
For up-to-date information about Environmental Justice funding opportunities, events, and webinars, subscribe to EPA's Environmental Justice listserv by sending a blank email to: Follow EPA on Twitter: @EPAEnvJustice
Information on Justice40 at EPA, including on 72 programs covered by the initiative
EPA Grants information page
- Information on EPA’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds
Smart Growth Grants and other funding to improve the quality of development and protect human health and the environment.
- Funding for Water Infrastructure and Lead Service Line Replacement, EPA; and Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan (2021)
- Environmental Cleanup Funding: Superfund and Brownfields programs; Brownfields Grant Application Resources
- Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers Program provides grant funding for centers that can support communities with environmental justice concerns with training, assistance, and capacity-building related to federal grant funding.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides funds to improve drinking water quality, prevent water contamination, and support water systems
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
Climate Change and Human Health program funds research aimed at understanding the health impacts of climate change and how strategies used to adapt to or lessen climate change might affect health adversely.
Human Health Implications of Climate Change Research Projects
Joint funding with National Science Foundation of climate-related research on links between oceans, lakes, and human health.
National Science Foundation
Global Change Program supports research and related activities on mitigation, adaptation, and other responses to a changing and variable environment.
Joint funding with NIEHS of climate-related research on links between oceans, lakes, and human health.
4. US City, County, and State Agencies & Programs Addressing Climate, Health, & Equity
(listed alphabetically by state)
- Arizona Department of Health Services’ Extreme Weather and Public Health Program (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- California Climate Investments
- California Department of Health, Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (CALBRACE) (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
- City of Sacramento Sustainability Office
- San Francisco Climate and Health Program, San Francisco Department of Public Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- State of Colorado, EnergyMineral Impact Assistance Fund
- State of Colorado, Resiliency Office
- Sustainable Connecticut Community Match Fund and Grants Portal
- Florida Department of Health Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) Program (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Building Resilience Against Climate Change-Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health / University of Illinois School of Public Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Building Resilience Against Climate Change-Maine, Maine Department of Health and Human Services (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Maryland Department of Public Health: Climate Change and Public Health Resources, Environmental Public Health Climate Adaptation Tracker (EPHCAT), Maryland Climate Change Health Adaptation Program (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management coastal resilience grants program
- Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant Program (MVP), Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
- Program to Strengthen Local Health Response to Climate Change, Massachusetts Department of Health, Bureau of Environmental Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Resilient Massachusetts Climate Change Clearinghouse for the Commonwealth, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
- Michigan Climate and Health Adaptation Program (MICHAP) and Local Initiatives Collaborating with MICHAP, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee).
- Minnesota Climate & Health Program, Minnesota Department of Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee).
- New Hampshire Climate and Health Program, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee).
- New York City Climate and Health Program, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Climate-Smart Communities Grant Funding,
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). See also NYSERDA Current Funding Opportunities and Clean Energy Communities.
- New York State Department of Health Building Resilience Against Climate Change (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- North Carolina Climate and Health Program, North Carolina Department of Public Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Oregon Climate and Health Program, Oregon Department of Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Climate Change Impacts, Department of Environmental Protection
- Climate Change and Health Program, Rhode Island Department of Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Municipal Resilience Program, Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank
- Vermont Climate and Health Program, Vermont Department of Health (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)
- Wisconsin Climate and Health Program, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (CDC Climate-Ready States & Cities Initiative Grantee)