There is a wealth of case studies, data, reports, practitioner guides, policy statements, and multimedia resources to support work at the nexus of climate change, health, and equity, health, with more being generated Funders have an expanding pool of resource materials to inform their grantmaking. Philanthropy also can help fill gaps in knowledge and tools for action.
Resources in this section by no means represent a comprehensive archive. They represent some starting suggestions for funders exploring climate, health, and equity grant making, with many pointers to sources of more in-depth information in various areas. Please help us improve these offerings by contributing suggested additions or corrections.
For more introductory information, read about common themes in this area of grantmaking on the Overviews page, get tips on "How Do I Start?", and peruse Issue Briefs.
Organizations that are serving as hubs of collaboration often also are great sources of information about the best, most relevant, or most up-to-date resources in their areas of focus. Scan Hubs of Nonprofit Collaboration, Hubs of Funder Collaboration, and Government Funding and Collaboration to find groups that may help guide you to other resources for your grantmaking.

Resources featured from American Public Health Association; City of Providence, RI: Groundwork USA; Health and Environmental Funders Network; Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change; Newsbeat, US Global Change Research Program.