Florida Clinicians for Climate Action (FCCA) engages Florida health professionals to learn about the health harms of climate change and advocate for equitable solutions that protect the community and support a sustainable future. The purpose of Florida Clinicians for Climate Action is to engage Florida health professionals and health organizations in public and policymaker education around the health effects of climate change in Florida and nationally, to move public opinion, and advocate for policy change to support the shift to a healthy and sustainable future.
Underserved communities in Florida, especially South Florida. Our recent collaboration with the Climate Health and Equity Coalition of Miami identified the health impacts of heat as a top climate-health challenge to Miami’s low-income neighborhoods. We are teaming up with the Women’s Fund Miami -Dade and the City of Miami to create a heat messaging campaign to the public.
FCCA is collaborating with Florida Institute for Health Innovation to build the Environmental Hazard Hub, an online resource for clinicians, public health professionals, and Floridians. We continue to conduct monthly online meetings and webinars to educate and empower clinicians to build resilience against the health impacts of climate change within their communities.
Florida is ground zero for the climate crisis, and low-wealth communities are most at risk. FCCA is passionately dedicated to empowering clinicians to become advocates for equitable solutions to the greatest health threat of this century.
As the Lancet Countdown 2020 report pointed out, the pandemic has put a spotlight on existing inequities in health outcomes that will only be made worse in a warming world. The good news is that tackling the climate crisis provides unprecedented opportunities to improve public health, build a just and sustainable economy, and protect our environment.
Connect with Us
- Co-founder Dr. Cheryl Holder’s TedMed Talk
- NPR: How Climate Change Is Affecting Residents' Health In Miami
- Co-produced Webinar: Media Training for Climate Health Professionals:
- Point of View: Stop the burn of pre-harvesting sugarcane
- Florida needs to recognize the growing threat of extreme heat, especially for pregnant women
- In this election, our kids' health and future are at stake
Melissa Meehan Baldwin Director, Florida Clinicians for Climate Action Founder, Chase Media Services, LLC Office MelissaMeehanBaldwin@gmail.com