We are the community foundation serving Greater Cleveland. The Cleveland Foundation’s mission is to enhance the lives of all residents of Greater Cleveland, now and for generations to come, by working together with our donors to build community endowment, address needs through grantmaking, and provide leadership on key community issues.
We believe that a healthy community depends on a healthy environment. To ensure all residents can lead healthy lives today and in the future, we support efforts to adapt and take action on climate change, protect our region’s freshwater resources, expand access to parks and green spaces and support a more inclusive environmental field.
• Racial injustice, environmental injustice and the health of our democracy are inextricably linked – it's at the heart of gerrymandered districts that deny our most impacted citizens’ concerns to be heard – and corruption in the political process is the sand in the gears of good governance that prevents communities from taking back power.
• Amidst heightened awareness and ensuing protests nationwide at the extent and depth of our nation’s racist history and enduring barriers most acutely to the Black community’s health, prosperity, and basic safety - immediate and sustained action is needed from all sectors, including philanthropy.
• At the Cleveland Foundation, we are at the beginning of our own journey to shape an environmental grantmaking strategy that leads with equity, justice, and building power in communities most impacted by the issues.
A number of philanthropy affinity organizations such TFN, CEFG, EGA, GIH, Great Lakes Funder Collaborative as members. We actively participate in peer learning networks around these issues.