Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action

Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action's (VCCA) mission is to build a network of clinician leaders advocating for climate change solutions that protect the health of our patients and communities.

Our climate, health, and equity work is most focused on:

Moving Virginia towards a clean energy economy through advocacy. This upcoming year, we will be focusing on transportation reform as the largest contributor of carbon emissions that threatens the health of Virginians.

This is important because:

Getting to a clean energy economy must address the largest source of carbon emissions in the state from the transportation sector. This will improve public health by reducing both air pollution and carbon emissions.

Connect with Us

Learn more about our climate, health, and equity work:

Our transportation webpage features a host of resources we've created around this current area of policy focus including a health impact assessment we commissioned, a PSA-style video series with health professionals discussing the impact of transportation pollution, and many other educational and advocacy resources.

 Our "In the News" section also contains many recent op eds and media articles highlighting our work.

Contact us:

John Bagwell: